Aduka Taruna, a 28 year old blogger was arrested for hurling insults in the internet on the death of the late Sultan of Johor.His posting received plenty of dissatisfied comments from readers who described him as 'rude' or 'excessive' and unduly disrespectful to the late royal figure. Upon reading the negative responses to his posting. Despite his apology, he was reprimanded and charged under Section 223 of the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998, which forbids the use of obscenity and offensive words with the intention of causing annoyance, abuses which threaten the unity and harmony of the country.
Source :
Kress and van Leeuwen ( 2006) stated that different people have different interpretations of texts due to different perspectives based on culture background and personal experience. Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country, comprising people from different ethnic groups. It is understandable that due to the huge cultural diversity, differences in opinions, mind-set and thinking can pose a threat to the unity and harmony of the country. Bloggers should be familiar with the Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 and the media codes of ethics before undertaking the task of blogging.Bloggers should take a mental note on blogging etiquette before writing and posting something that the audiences' perceived as immoral and rude to avoid getting themselves into any serious trouble, especially when it comes to writing about sensitive issues.
Here are several rules on blogging etiquette :
- Do not use someone else's words on your blog without permission granted. Proper citation and referencing should be inserted if there are quotes or statements that are not yours.
- When you comment on someone else’s blog, there’s usually a line under the name and email for a link to your blog or website and that should suffice. Do not spam.
- Be respectful when dropping comments. Calling names and vulgar languages are considered unacceptable to some, while others can be more open-minded.
- Respond to comments. Your readers took the time to offer their thoughts, keep them coming back by reciprocating.
- Don’t forget, everything you write is on display for the world to see. If you don’t want the world to know something, don’t post it. Many employers now Google potential employees.
For more information : go to
Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. 2006, Reading Images, Routledge, London
News Straits Times 2009, Blogger Held Over Insulting Posting, last viewed on 6th June 2010,
go to
Ng, D 2007, Blog Etiquette : The Rules are Quite Simple, last viewed on 7th June 2010,
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